The World's 1st Commercially Grown Drip Irrigated Rice!!!
Grown with 40% Less Water
At Planet Farms, we are proud to be California's first commercially grown DRIP IRRIGATED RICE! In 2022, our home in California's Sacramento Valley suffered a severe drought, and we knew things had to change. Just a year later, we are excited to have successfully reduced our rice crop water use by 40%, resulting in a total yearly water savings of 900,000 gallons! That's enough water to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool 1.5 times! We believe that's Planet Farming. That's food grown better!
Update: In 2024 we did 7x our 2023 goals. That's an astounding 6 million gallons of water saved! 10 Olympic-size swimming pools!!!
See for yourself.
40% less water using our Planet Farms drip irrigation systems

Flood Irrigation